Low T & Depression

Low T Associated With Depression

At Titan T-Center & Weight Loss, we care deeply about the health and well being of our patients, but we also know that health isn’t just about the body. We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health and can never be neglected – we’re firm supporters of a holistic approach to wellness. That’s why for this blog, we want to talk about a lesser-known symptom of Low T: depression.

You Just Aren’t “You” Anymore

Anyone who has suffered or knows someone who’s suffered from clinical depression knows how serious an issue it is. Even getting out of bed in the morning becomes a sincere struggle, and the rest of life’s challenges can seem insurmountable. Depression can be a crushing burden for a man to fight, and we at Titan have immense sympathy for sufferers.

An article published in has pointed to a link between Low Testosterone levels and depression – while the chain of causality is still not known exactly, the data shows a correlation between Low T and clinical depression. Combined with other symptoms of Low T like fatigue, decreased libido, impaired functionality of erections, reduced muscle mass, insomnia, and lower energy, this can create a huge drag on a man’s life.

Thankfully, there’s hope. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has shown promise in clinical trials in treating many of the symptoms above, and there is a growing body of evidence to support its efficacy. While only you and your doctor can decide what’s the best course of treatment for your unique medical situation, TRT is definitely something we encourage you to talk about.

Contact Your League City, TX Testosterone Therapy Experts

If you have more questions about testosterone therapy or think you may be suffering from Low T, feel free to take our Low T Quiz, book an appointment at our office, or reach out to us at our contact page. We can’t wait to hear from you, and remember to check this blog periodically – we’ll be keeping it up to date with more info on living well for men!


Shores MM, Sloan KL, Matsumoto AM, Moceri VM, Felker B, Kivlahan DR. Increased incidence of diagnosed depressive illness in hypogonadal older men. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004 Feb;61(2):162-7. PubMed PMID: 14757592.